Pay attention to fake housing ads!

From time to time there are fake housing offers. Especially international students are affected by ads for apartments that do not exist. Those offers are well-camouflaged and imitate normal rents and deposits, which makes it hard to identify whether an ad is fake or not. We advise international and ERASMUS students to contact us as the students' union or the University’s International Office before signing anything or even transferring money.

Your Couch for First-semester Students

The idea of “Deine Couch für Erstis“ (“Your couch for first-semester students“) is to provide a place to sleep for first-semester students in order to make their flat-hunting easier and help them get started in Münster. It does not matter if it is a bed, couch or air mattress; be it for one night or for a few weeks, we are thankful for anything you can offer! If you can only provide space for a very short time please enter “0 €” for rent to support the thought of solidarity that this idea is based on. You can also specify if your guest should bring something (e.g. towel). 


You can post your advertisement here .

Please enter for Ttpe of accommodation “Deine Couch für Erstis”.

Enter the size of your room and enter „0 €” or a minimal fee for rent and additional charges.

Write something about you and the room or whatever you want your guest to know.

Here you can see the advertisements.


Accommodation for Help

The project „Wohnen für Hilfe“ (“Accomodation for Help”) has been run successfully for many years now and offers an interesting housing opportunity: You help an elderly person with household chores or in the garden and in return you can live for a low rent or even for free. The hours you help each month depend on how many square meters your room has. The project coordinator helps students get in touch with elderly citizens and supports you during the process. Interested students can find further information here:

Change of Address and Fee for Secondary Residence

Within two weeks after your move to Münster you have to register with Bürgerbüro der Stadt Münster (Citizens Office of the City of Münster). People who register later than that have to pay a fine. At the Citizens Office you have to decide if you make Münster your primary or secondary residence. If Münster is your main place of residence, you should register it as primary residence. Especially considering that there is a fee for registering a secondary residence. This means that you have to pay 10% of your rent exclusive heating as tax if Münster is your secondary residence. There are a few exceptions where you do not have to pay. You can find more information here (only available in German).

Registration for GEZ and Stadtwerke

At Bürgerbüro der Stadt Münster you can also register TVs and radios for GEZ or be made exempt from the licence fee. To do that, you have to prove that you do not have enough money to pay the fee. It is usually enough to hand in a certified copy of your BaföG application.

If you found accommodation on the free housing market and you have to pay for electricity and/or gas yourself, you can contact Stadtwerke Münster (public utilities company). You can call them (694-1234) or send them an e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and they will set everything up for you. In the city center, the Stadtwerke CityShop answers all your questions: Salzstraße 21, 48143 Münster, opening hours: Mon - Fri (9am - 7pm) and Sat (10am - 6pm).


Housing compass for Münster: contact info for flat-hunting

Accommodation Services

AStA Housing Exchange Uni Münster (Schlossplatz 1, 48149 Münster, Telephone: 0251 / 83 3 22 22), Opening hours: Mon - Thu 9am -4pm, Fri 9am - 2pm,

Student dormitories (Most student dormitories in Münster are managed by Studierendenwerk Münster (Student Support Services of Münster). Dormitory management: Bismarckallee 5, 48143 Münster, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,Telephone: 0251 / 837 95 53, Tue –Thu 9am–12pm / Thu 1pm - 3pm,



Private Dormitories

Bischöfliche Studierendenwohnheim gGmbH (BSwh gGmbH)  manages the following student dormitories:  Collegium Marianum (Frauenstraße 3–6, 48143 Münster),  Deutsches Studentenheim (Breul 23, 48143 Münster), Fürstin-von-Gallitzin-Heim (Frauenstraße 21–23, 48143 Münster), Liebfrauenstift (Wegesende 4, 48143 Münster) und Thomas-Morus-Kolleg (Nünningweg 131, 48161 Münster). 
All five student dormitories together provide rooms for 380 students. Since winter semester 2015/2016 it is possible to apply for up to three dormitories simultaneously.

Internationaler Studentenwohnpark (International Student Residence) in Nienberge (Isolde-Kurz-Str. 143–149, 48161 Münster, Telephone: 02533 / 18 92)

Paulus-Kolleg (Waldeyer Straße 32–34, 48149 Münster, Telephone: 0251 / 807 64)

Volkeningheim (Breul 43, 48143 Münster, Telephone: 0251 / 483 20)

Von-Detten-Kolleg (Horstmarer Landweg 86, 48149 Münster, Telephone: 0251 / 884 18)

Studentinnenburse der Schwestern unserer lieben Frau (only for female students; Neubrückenstraße 58, 48143 Münster, Telephone: 0251 / 483 00)

Albertus-Magnus-Kolleg (only for male students; Horstmarer Landweg 82, 48149 Münster, Telephone: 0251 / 808 50)




Media: the following newspapers/ advertising journals provide flat offers:

Westfälische Nachrichten (WN) (Soester Str. 13, 48155 Münster, advertising office: Prinzipalmarkt 13,Telephone: 0251 / 69 04 92 01, advertisement days: Wed & Sat)

na dann (advertising office: online, Telephone: 0251 / 2705177)

x4telzeitung - Magazin aus dem Kreuzviertel (Coerdestr. 53a, 4817 Münster, Telephone: 0251-28498988, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

GIG (Sauerländer Weg 2a,48155 Münster, Telephone: 0251/98 72 30)

Münster am Sonntag (Von-Vincke-Str. 11–13, 48143 Münster, advertising office, Telephone: 0251 / 444 31)

Ultimo (fortnightly – advertisement free of charge; Wolbecker Str. 20, 48155 Münster, advertising office, Telephone: 0251 / 89 98 30)

For all further questions feel free to contact  Sozialberatung im AStA. In case you have questions concerning “studying and housing”, for example: “Can I apply for Wohngeld?” or “Is my landlord allowed to do that?” just contact   AStA-Social Counselling Service  or  AStA-Legal Advice. Both are free of charge.


Living in Münster’s Surrounding Countryside

Every student looking for housing in Münster has noticed that living space is rare and expensive here. Especially at the start of a semester, when many new students come to live in Münster, it is difficult to find affordable housing. While flat-hunting, it is worth it looking to Münster’s surrounding countryside in order to find an affordable accommodation. This is especially relevant for students who were no able to find housing in Münster yet or students who are in a stage of their degree where they do not have to attend many classes. This kind of housing provides a quieter environment to study from home.

For students who are not from Münster and do not know its surroundings very well, we provide a list of towns near Münster that are easily reachable with public transportation (commuting time of less than one hour to Münster and with few transfers). 

1.Gemeinde Ascheberg

2.Gemeinde Altenberge

3.Stadt Drensteinfurt

4.Gemeinde Everswinkel

5.Stadt Greven

6.Gemeinde Havixbeck

7.Gemeinde Nottuln

8.Gemeinde Ostbevern

9.Gemeinde Senden

10.Stadt Sendenhorst

11.Kreis- und Hochschulstadt Steinfurt

12.Stadt Telgte



Emergency Housing

Emergency Shelter of the Studierendenwerk Münster (Student Support Services of Münster)

I tried everything but I didn’t find accommodation yet!

Don’t panic! It is not the greatest start to the semester but no one has to sleep on the streets. The ASta campaign “Deine Couch für Erstis“ (“Your couch for first-semester students“) and the emergency shelter of the Studierendenwerk provide at least a place to sleep for the first few days. The emergency shelter is located at Whilhelmskamp and for 5€/night you get a subdivided bed and a locker in a common room. Jugendgästehaus at Aasee (Youth Hostel) and the Studentenwerk hotels offer special student rates as well.



Information and Registration:

Hosuing Management of Studierendenwerk Münster

Bismarckallee 5, 48151 Münster
Postfach (PO box) 76 29, 48041 Münster
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Information Office Housing Management

Telephone 0251/8379-553
Fax 0251/8379-597
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Consultation / Information

In person:
during the office hours
Tuesdays - Thursdays 9am to 12pm
By telephone:
Mondays - Thursdays 8.45am to 3pm
Fridays 8.45pm to 12pm