Student ID

As a student, you receive a student ID from the university, either by mail together with your certificate of study or when enrolling directly on site. If you have not uploaded a photo for your student ID, your ID only becomes valid when you are carrying a photo ID with you (driver’s licence, personal ID, rail card, etc., the important thing is the photo if you need it outside of the university administration. For university administration purposes, you should always present either a passport or your personal ID).

Please notice: Your semester ticket only gets valid at the beginning of the semester – meaning on April 1 or October 1. A good alternative for your photo ID is the international student identity card (ISIC). It not only has several advantages because of the new student ID, it also provides several advantages when you are travelling within Germany or abroad (more information on its benefits worldwide on You can get the international student ID at the AStA office (Schlossplatz 1). You only need to bring your student ID, a passport photo and € 15.

International Student ID Card

The International Student ID Card (ISIC) is officially recognized in several countries worldwide. When presenting the ID, you get numerous benefits, e.g. reduced entry fees in museums or exhibitions. It can also be extremely helpful if you decide to spend one semester abroad.

You can get the ID online on the ISIC page.