Ausländische Studierendenvertretung
Schlossplatz 1
48149 Münster
Zimmer 207 (1. Stock)
Tel: +49 / (0)251 / 83 - 222 91
Fax: +49 / (0)251 / 51 92 89
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You can find current information about the department at (only accessible in German).

Department for International Students (ASV)

As stated in the constitution of the student body, international students participate in the students’ self-administration. International students annually elect their representatives, at the same time as the student parliament and faculty councils are elected. Every international student enrolled at Münster University has the right to vote and stand as a candidate. The Department for International Students (“Ausländervertretung”, short “ASV”) is composed of at least 7 and at most 15 members.

The ASV board

The ASV committee with its 15 members represents the “legislative power” of the international student body. It elects one chairperson and one substitute, the board (“executive power”). The board represents the department and international students’ interests in university committees and other institutions. It meets up at least once every week.